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4.0 Agriculture

Blugrape and the digitization of processes help farmers to obtain high quality products, innovate and overcome the challenges of the coming years.

Technology development has allowed the design of innovative and sustainable supports to monitor fields in an effective and intelligent way. These are hardware systems, such as weather stations, which are installed directly in the fields, and softwares, accessible via apps, which provide useful information to technicians and farmers for rational and sustainable management.

The DSS Blugrape software processes simple indications for the daily management of irrigation based on data collected from the field and the weather, calculates the need for nutrients, supports defence management and monitors production and quality performance.

Available services

Our services are designed to meet all the needs of your field. The following are all the services connected to 4.0 agriculture that we offer and can be customised according to our clients’ necessities:

  • Field installation of data detectors
  • Blugrape software accessible via web and app
  • Indications for the daily management of irrigation based on data collected from the field and climatic conditions
  • Calculation of the need for nutritional elements
  • Support to the management of the defence of the field
  • Monitoring of the production and quality performance of the land
  • Pre-cutting lot management

    Are you interested in our services?

    Write to us, one of our professionals will get in touch with you as soon as possible.

    * The fields marked with a start (*) are mandatory.