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Pre-commercial testing

Graper looks for the field, experiments, reports and supports the correct positioning of products.

Pre-commercial testing is an essential step to assess the safety and effectiveness of products intended for agriculture. It is a very delicate phase and so expertise is needed to follow all the indications provided by law.

Our pre-commercial testing service includes field research, use tests, written reports, commercial technical support for product dissemination and the organisation of field days.

Available services

Our services are designed to meet all the needs of your field. The following are all the services connected to pre-commercial testing that we offer and can be customised according to our clients’ necessities:

  • Field search
  • Experimentation strategy development
  • Field use tests to evaluate the effectiveness or best positioning of products and technologies
  • Field surveys to collect information
  • Report with interpretations of the results
  • Commercial technical assistance for the dissemination of the use of the product
  • Field Days organisation

Some of our clients

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